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Sexual Violence Awareness and Response

As members of the Clarke Pride, we take care of ourselves, each other, and the community.

National surveys report that one in five women and one in sixteen men experience attempted or completed sexual assault while in college. Clarke provides a variety of prevention and awareness activities, reporting options and resources to address the issue of sexual violence and support survivors. This webpage provides information about what to do in case an incident occurs, and serves to increase awareness of campus and community resources.

Next Steps

Clery Security Report

Clarke takes all reports of sexual violence seriously and is committed to taking appropriate action to hold violators accountable and to prevent any recurrence. We work to improve prevention, response, support, and investigation of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other forms of sexual violence. Clarke’s annual Clery Security Report, with information regarding crime statistic (including rape, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking) and university policy is available


Kate Zanger

Vice President for Student Life
Title IX Coordinator
(563) 588-6517
Atrium Interior