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Student studying in the library

Landing Page Template Guide – Tab Nav

Fun/Informal Subtitle

Use this text to briefly describe what’s in this section of the site. Aim for 20 words or less.

Fun/Informal Superheader

Descriptive Title for Tab Content

Label-style Subheader

Optional helper text area, for explanations or descriptions of how to use these links or provide context.

Fun/Informal Superheader

Descriptive Title for Tab Content

Label-style Subheader

Optional helper text area, for explanations or descriptions of how to use these links or provide context.

Optional Button (25 chars.)
Fun/Informal Superheader

Descriptive Title for Tab Content

Label-Style Subheader

Optional helper text area, for explanations or descriptions of how to use these links or provide context.

Optional Button (25 chars.) Optional Button (25 chars.)
Fun/Informal Superheader

Descriptive Title for Gallery

Fun/Informal Superheader

Descriptive Title for Whole Panel

Both sides of this panel should be about the same topic. Use it to highlight faculty, staff, students, or alumni or to promote something (e.g., Compass) with a testimonial about it and a link to more info. The button is optional and can link to an internal page, an external page, or an email address. Aim for 55-60 words or less.

Optional Button (25 chars.)
Sister Joanne Burrows

Sister Joanne Burrows

President of Clarke University

Quote from the person pictured. Aim for 25-35 words max to maintain the container size between quote boxes and balance the  (editing for length is OK).

Amy Errthum

Marketing Manager

Quote from the person pictured. Aim for 25-35 words max to maintain the container size between quote boxes and balance the  (editing for length is OK).

Fun/Informal Superheader

Descriptive Title

Label-style Subheader

Use this feature panel to promote things that work better with an image than testimonials. The image should support the text (both sides of the panel should be about the same topic). Avoid duplicating links from the navigation icons above. Try to roughly balance the height of the text column with the height of the image, about 55-60 words max.

Optional Button (25 chars.)
Optional Caption