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Clarke ID Card

All of your funds, all in one place

Your Clarke Card is the central location for Clarke Funds and any additional funds you add to it. Want to grab a snack in Café 1843 convenience store or from the made-to-order menu? Coffee from the campus store? A birthday card for Mom? No problem, just use your Clarke Card. Plus, the weekly meal count from your meal plan will be pre-loaded onto your card for meals in the Student Dining Room and Café 1843.

Swipe your Clarke Card to:
  • utilize your weekly meal plan or purchase other items in Cafe 1843 and dining room
  • wash your laundry (the first 25 washes and 25 dries are FREE for resident students)
  • purchase books and merchandise in the campus store
  • access fitness facilities
  • check out library books
  • purchase snacks from campus vending machines
Adding funds is quick and easy…

Want to add funds to your account at 3 a.m.? With the Clarke Card, you can conveniently make changes to your account 24 hours a day.

Someone else adding money for you?

No problem, just give them the secure login information and they can add funds for you from anywhere in the world. Clarke Funds from your meal plan will be loaded on the card followed by any additional funds that you or a family member add online via our secure website.

Note: Clarke Funds provided as part of meal plans are the first to decline, do not roll over from year to year and may not be converted to cash.